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FAITH; reliance, trust and confidence in God is the foundation of every aspect of my life and it's why I've built RI_faithandfitness. You can call it a fitness brand, a personal training business or a hobbie but what I can tell you with absolute certainty is that it is ME. My name is Rachel Isaiah, I love God, fitness, sports and everything in-between and I am passionate about helping you on your fitness journey


No matter where you're at with faith or fitness, you are welcome here. 

"For we walk by faith and not by sight."
- 2 Corinthians 5:7


"Fit your way to all round wellness"


"Fit your way to your best body yet"


"Fit your way to a better life"


Fit your way into better relationships 





Updated: Apr 3, 2021

Everyone is gifted, everyone has hopes and dreams and everyone has something they can share with the world. Don't let fear of failure, fear of what anyone else thinks or fear of looking stupid stop you from doing what you love.

We are on a journey of discovering more and more our purpose in life and we're so excited to share that here.

Life should be lived to the full, take hold of every opportunity you have.


[Impressions without expression leads to depression - Unknown]


As believers in Jesus Christ, we have been set free from everything and anything that did or could ever hold us back from living life to the full, the way God intended for us.

My faith in Jesus enables me to live life this way and I want this to be true for everyone who visits this page.

My heart is for young people all across the world to know of God's great love. I know that life can be tough, challenging and confusing, it is in those moments I want this page to be a source of joy and encouragement for you.

My desire is to point the way to the freedom I have found and equip young people with the word of God which is the truth that sets us free.

My hope is that you will find Jesus because he is waiting for you.

"I will be found by you", declares the Lord, "and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you", declares the Lord, "and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile"

Jer 29:14


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