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FAITH; reliance, trust and confidence in God is the foundation of every aspect of my life and it's why I've built RI_faithandfitness. You can call it a fitness brand, a personal training business or a hobbie but what I can tell you with absolute certainty is that it is ME. My name is Rachel Isaiah, I love God, fitness, sports and everything in-between and I am passionate about helping you on your fitness journey


No matter where you're at with faith or fitness, you are welcome here. 

"For we walk by faith and not by sight."
- 2 Corinthians 5:7


"Fit your way to all round wellness"


"Fit your way to your best body yet"


"Fit your way to a better life"


Fit your way into better relationships 





Updated: Apr 3, 2021

I was in a place of surrender. What I had been doing had come to an end and I was searching for what would be next. My memory is conflicted because at the same time I was suffering; confused, weary and tired. Like night and day. When the sun shone there was hope but as it set darkness loomed.Depressed. Burnt out. On the precipice of a season change.

It was there in that place and in my mess, there, it was just a moment where my heart was turned towards Him and my gaze fixed upon Him that He completely caught me off guard and whispered the sweetest words that still linger in my ear. Every time I say them or think of them it's like He is hugging my heart. In one moment He captured my heart and set me on a trail to pursue Him, to meet Him some where. I'd never really considered adventuring with Him like that. I never really considered that he would speak to me like that. It wasn't audible, it was His still small voice. Soft and gently but sure and true that voice that whispered and said

"Come away with Me into the mountains."

The next time I thought about those words was in the car as I drove away from what I was sure of and towards the unknown. "Come away with me...into the mountains"

ringed in my ear as if He was saying it again, tears rolled down my cheeks, my heart lifted and I responded

"I will go wherever you want me to go."

"Hear me as I pray, O LORD. Be merciful and answer me! My heart has heard you say, "Come and talk with me." And my heart responds, "LORD, I am coming."

Psalms 27:7-8 NLT


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