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What is faith and fitness?


"It's a wee bit of a read but this tells you a bit about my background.. happy reading." :)                                                                           - Coach Risaiah

Rachel's approach to fitness is not new but her methods are unique. Combining faith and fitness enables you to tap into immeasurable sources of strength.


Using a holistic approach she'll tailor your fitness goals according to your mental and emotional (and spiritual) needs.  

Her methods are tried and tested and vary from person to person because...well, everyone is different. There's no one size fits all with fitness and Rachel takes this into account as she works with you to take you to the next level. 





Rachel, who also likes to be known as Coach Risaiah, approaches fitness from a scientific perspective thanks to her degree in Biomedical Science. She also holds a masters in Medical Physiology where she conducted her final research project on active recovery and its effects in the attenuation of DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). Rachel has a dedication to stay up to date with current research so that you are getting relevant, evidence based, myth busting knowledge and training.  

Having always been interested in understanding the functions of the human body it was only a matter of time before that would merge with her passion for sport and fitness. Coupled together with her desire to help others rooted in her Christian faith, Rachel is a pioneer in the field, the face of a new turning point in health, fitness and wellness. 

Her energetic personality and oozing enthusiasm will get anyone moving and motivated to get FIT. Her attention to detail and how she honours people as individuals will remind you that you are seen, known, loved just as you are and give you hope for a FITter, stronger future you!


Training with Rachel will show you that
 "you can do so much more than you think" 

"There's nothing more exhilarating and satisfying for me as a Coach than seeing someone push beyond what they thought was not possible. And that's how it starts, with just one I can't at a time.


So... what are you waiting for​​? Find out how Coach Risaiah  can help you today! 


Click HERE to get started! 



It is a joy and an honour to help people through RI_faithandfitness. 


My goal is to help at least one person to get FIT. 

My dream is for everyone to live Fitter Stronger Healthier lives.

My vision is for a community of spiritually, physically and 

emotionally fit and empowered 

people committed to changing the world in their own unique way. 


Name: Rachel Isaiah
Age: 30
Country of birth: Nigeria
Currently residing in: Manchester, UK
Qualifications: BSc, MSc, REPS Lvl 2&3 Fitness Instructor & Personal Trainer

Occupation: Entrepeneur 

Vocation: Working with young people in a church or local community setting

Passionate about: Jesus, Local Church Ministry, Family, Young People, Fitness and Netball (in no particular order)

Things I love: Planes and airports, tattoos, christian brands & bands, my guitar, nut butters, muscles. 

Things I dislike: Flies, chocolate mint anything, going to the dentist, orange juice, bony fish, slugs/snails/slimy creatures or snakes

Family: Isaiah (Dad), Susan (Mother), Altine, Bessy & Grace (Older Sisters)

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