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FAITH; reliance, trust and confidence in God is the foundation of every aspect of my life and it's why I've built RI_faithandfitness. You can call it a fitness brand, a personal training business or a hobbie but what I can tell you with absolute certainty is that it is ME. My name is Rachel Isaiah, I love God, fitness, sports and everything in-between and I am passionate about helping you on your fitness journey


No matter where you're at with faith or fitness, you are welcome here. 

"For we walk by faith and not by sight."
- 2 Corinthians 5:7


"Fit your way to all round wellness"


"Fit your way to your best body yet"


"Fit your way to a better life"


Fit your way into better relationships 





Updated: Apr 3, 2021

I was thinking that for me the word 'testimony' carries with it so many emotions, so much heaviness, but relief too. In my head I want the words spoken to me and over me, as well as life's twists and turns to make sense. I want things to line up, and it is tough to not have answers, to not be able to explain the reasons behind what I am doing, where I am going..

Then God said...

"What if you knew more than you did?"

"What if you could give answers to the 'why's' of your heart?"

"What if you didn't have to struggle with weakness, with inadequacy on your own?"

"Can you imagine where that would lead you?"

"Do you trust how I protect your heart?"

"I protect you, and I push you on too."

"I lead you, but it's your choice whether or not to follow."

"I give you vision, just enough to see where I am and know where I go. One foot in front of the other."

"Why do you need to know more?"

"Do you?"

"Do you need to know more to believe Me more?"

"Do you need to see more to know I am here, whispering to you, loving you, guiding you?"

"My daughter,

you are not alone.

My daughter,

you have what it takes,

My creation, my dear one,

to follow me.

My daughter,

you are the only one of you I've made. There is just one. Only one, my dear.

You are my crafted jewel, my sparkling flower, my glistening water as it falls from heaven.

You delight Me, child."

"Please don't look away and believe this is too good to be true. You feel that way to Me, you know...too good to be true. You are radiant and captivating and you need only stand with Me, watching where I beckon you, knowing I am the sure place for your legs to stand.

So, rest now. And then rise up. When you believe a little more, choosing these words, my love, for you as true, you are on your way to a deeper place I have for you.

I have so much more for you, child."

--Papa <3


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